Friday, March 21, 2008

Hauling and ripping and tearing...

This evening was spent carrying about six times my body weight in tile, grout, adhesive, and hardibacker into the house so that tomorrow (while I work my cushy IT job), Jenny, Mark (Jenny's Dad), and Lizz can lay all that. Hopefully, when I show up, it will be all pretty and set and I won't have to worry about laying any flooring until it's time to do the common areas.

There is something to be said for manual labor like ripping carpet off of the places where it's stapled to plywood. But there are many things to say against it, especially when your wife laughs at you because you're angry and you're working on a piece of carpet in a really tight corner where you can't grip anything and you can get no leverage and so a giant string of drunken sailor vocabulary finds its happy way through your teeth. But I guess that kind of moral support is what she's there for.

I do pity the fool that must remove toilets all day, if such a fool exists. Years of rust built up inside of gummed-up "pretty" fittings around nuts and bolts gives you a feeling like it's good to have an education.

After all this is said and done, I will throw up some pictures of our prettified home here so you can all know what you're getting yourself into before you come visit.

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